
美 [les]英 [les]
  • adv.少;较少;更少;较小
  • n.较少
  • prep.减去;扣除
  • adj.较小的;较次的;身分较低的



1.(与不可数名词连用)较少的,更少的used with uncountable nouns to mean ‘a smaller amount of’


less and less

越来越少smaller and smaller amounts

less is more

少即是多;以少见多;简单就是美include only what is essential in order to create an effective product or result

no less

(表示惊讶或钦佩)竟,居然used to suggest that sth is surprising or impressive

no less than…

(强调大数量)不少于,多达used to emphasize a large amount
