
  • un.the right of nations of self-determination
  • 网络national self-determination; right to national self-determination; Right of National Self-determination



national self-determination

从20世纪初起,伟大的无产阶级革命家列宁就对民族自决权(national self-determination)问题给予了持续而热情的关注。第一次 …

right to national self-determination

...ion 或 peoples),就要接受原住民享有「民族自决权」(right to national self-determination)。

Right of National Self-determination

民族自决权Right of National Self-determination)又称人民自决权(Right of Peoples to Self-determination)。从字面上理解…

national right to self-determination

...litics) 的制约,因此在位阶上都绝对比不上「民族自决权」(national right to self-determination),因为,这是最基本的人权。

right of peoples to self-determination

民族自决权(right of peoples to self-determination )首先指被帝国主义统治的殖民地人民取得民族独立的权利,也泛指一个民族 …

The right of self-determination of peoples

...威尔逊提倡成立国际联盟,也就是联合国的前身,提出「民族自决权」(The right of self-determination of peoples )。

a right of national self-determination

...不同取向,这种区分特别表现在是否主张一个政治上的“民族自决权”( a right of national self-determination) 。
