
美 [saɪd]英 [saɪd]
  • n.边;身边;一边;一面
  • adj.旁;横;副的;片面的
  • v.支持;偏袒;宽度仅有…;站在…的一边
  • 网络旁边;侧面;方面

复数:sides 现在分词:siding 过去式:sided



n. v.


1.[c][ususing](由想象的中线分出的)一边,一侧either of the two halves of a surface, an object or an area that is divided by an imaginary central line

2.[c][ususing](事物左方或右方的) 一旁,一边,一侧a position or an area to the left or right of sth

侧面not top or bottom

3.[c]侧面one of the flat surfaces of sth that is not the top or bottom, front or back

4.[c]斜面;垂直面the vertical or sloping surface around sth, but not the top or bottom of it


5.[c]边缘;边a part or an area of sth near the edge and away from the middle

身体of body

6.[c][ususing]侧面;胁either the right or left part of a person's body, from the armpit (= where the arm joins the body) to the hip

某人╱某物的近旁near to sb/sth

7.[sing]近旁;旁边;身边a place or position very near to sb/sth

平而薄的东西of sth flat and thin

8.[c]一面either of two surfaces of sth flat and thin, such as paper or cloth


9.[c]一面纸的文字the amount of writing needed to fill one side of a sheet of paper


10.[c](立体的)面any of the flat surfaces of a solid object

11.[c](平面图形的)边any of the lines that form a flat shape such as a square or triangle


12.(构成形容词)有…面(或边)的used in adjectives to state the number or type of sides

战争;争论in war/argument

13.[c]一方;一派one of the two or more people or groups taking part in an argument, war, etc.

14.[c]一方的意见(或态度、立场)one of the opinions, attitudes or positions held by sb in an argument, a business arrangement, etc.


15.[c]方面a particular aspect of sth, especially a situation or a person's character

优越感feeling that you are better

16.[u](informal)优越感;架子a feeling that you are better than other people

运动队sports team

17.[c]运动队a sports team

亲属of family

18.[c]母系;父系;血统the part of your family that people belong to who are related either to your mother or to your father

电视频道TV channel

20.[c](informal)电视频道a television channel


come down on one side of the fence or the other

二者择其一;支持两方中的一方to choose between two possible choices

from side to side

左右来回(摇摆)moving to the left and then to the right and then back again

get on the right/wrong side of sb

讨得某人的欢心;惹得某人恼怒to make sb pleased with you/annoyed with you

have sth on your side

有…的优势to have sth as an advantage that will make it more likely that you will achieve sth

let the side down

使自己人失望;未能帮助(或支持)自己的一方to fail to give your friends, family, etc. the help and support they expect, or to behave in a way that makes them disappointed

not leave sbs side

(尤指为了照顾)不离某人左右to stay with sb, especially in order to take care of them

on/from all sides|on/from every side

从四面八方;到处in or from all directions; everywhere

on the big, small, high, etc. side

稍偏大(或小、高等)slightly too big, small, high, etc.

on the other side of the fence

与自己所处情况不同的一面;事物的另一面in a situation that is different from the one that you are in

on the right/wrong side of 40, 50, etc.

不到╱已过 40 岁(或 50 岁等)younger or older than 40, 50, etc. years of age

on the side

作为副业;兼职;在正事之外in addition to your main job

on/to one side

在(或到)一边;在(或到)一旁out of your way

be on sbs side

站在某人一边;和某人观点一致to support and agree with sb

the other side of the coin

事情的另一面the aspect of a situation that is the opposite of or contrasts with the one you have been talking about

side by side

并排;并肩地close together and facing in the same direction

take sides

表示支持一方;表明立场to express support for sb in a disagreement

take/draw sb to one side

把某人拉到一边(悄悄说话)to speak to sb in private, especially in order to warn or tell them about sth

this side of…

在…之前before a particular time, event, age, etc.

字典中 隅 字的解释 ... (8) 事物的部分或片面[ part] (10) ;旁[ side] (2) 同本义[ corner of a mountain or river] ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... (a+sleep 睡觉) (a+side 旁边) (a+head 头) ...

外研版英语九年级上册单词表_百度文库 ... canyon n. 峡谷? side n. 边,,侧 disappear vi. 消失 ...


英语字根表 - 豆丁网 ... late=to bear 搬运 later=side 侧面 lav,lau=to wash 洗 ...


方字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 方略〖 generalplan〗 方面〖 aspect;respect;side;field〗 方石〖 cube〗 ...


高尔夫规则_百度百科 ... 规则( Rule or Rules) 一方Side) 个人赛( Single) ...


上海教育出版社七年级《英语》上册单词表_百度文库 ... minute n. 分钟 side n. 一边;一旁;一侧 river n. 江;河 ...
