
  • na.protect our homes and defend our country
  • 网络To protect our land; Guard; protect one's homes and defend one's country



protect our homes and defend our country

... sheet steel 薄钢板 protect our homes and defend our country 保家卫国/ preserve moisture and fertility 保水保肥/ ...

To protect our land

德玛西亚之力 - 搜搜百科 ... Fear not,I'm coming! 别怕,我来了! To protect our land! 保家卫国! I stand ready! 我准备好了! ...


玉皇岭 Jade Emperor Mountain_艺术作品... ... 载歌载舞 Singi 保家卫国 Guard 忆家乡 Memory ...

protect one's homes and defend one's country

... 7. army and police 军警 8. protect one's homes and defend one's country 保家卫国 9. comparative advantage 比较优势 ...

Guard our nation and protect our country

... 把公司从破产的边缘中拉回来 Rescue the company from going bankrupt 保家卫国 Guard our nation and protect our country ...

Safeguarding Homeland

... ) political situation of a country 国家政治局面 ) Safeguarding Homeland 保家卫国 ) Political country 政治国家 ...
