
  • na.one getting old like the pearl becoming yellow
  • 网络no longer held in esteem; one getting old as the pearl becoming yellow; Over the hill



no longer held in esteem

no more, no... ... 不再 not any more;never again 人老珠黄 no longer held in esteem;over the hill ...

one getting old as the pearl becoming yellow

  现代汉语词典:人老珠黄one getting old as the pearl becoming yellow) 是指,人衰老而不被重视,就像年代久了变黄的珠 …

Over the hill

第一章 - 逍遥一生的日志... ... 3.no longer held in esteem;over the hill 人老珠黄 2.Criticisms should be feared. 人言可畏 ...

The black ox has trod on his foot.


人老珠黄 人老珠黄 (metaphir) people grow old and pearls turn yellow; (usually of women) not as beau
