
  • na.warn others against following a bad example
  • 网络serve to warn others against following a bad example; as a warning to others; make an example of



serve to warn others against following a bad example

谁会一词... ... 以儆效尤[ serve to warn others against following a bad example;as a warning to others] 原因,缘故[ reason] ...

as a warning to others

make an example of

常用中文成语英译| - 博群E书吧... ... 惩一儆百;以儆效尤 make an example of 譁众取宠 camp it up;play to the gallery ...

His punishment must be exemplary.

片名:亚... ... This traitor will be the first to pay! 这个叛徒将第一个被处决! His punishment must be exemplary. 以儆效尤! ...


...耐烦了)外,还考虑到了一个榜样效应:德国想要以此“以儆效尤”(statuieren),警告那些开支无度,债台高筑的国家,加快 …
