
  • na.The war was going on with all its stresses and strains.
  • 网络turmoil and chaos of war; confusion and disorder brought about by war; the chaos of war



turmoil and chaos of war

妫板棙鏋¢仑楦挎彛 - 英汉词典 ... 兵荒马乱/ turmoil and chaos of war/ 兵马/ troops and horses/military forces/ ...

confusion and disorder brought about by war

... ◆ 兵工厂[ munitions factory arsenal ] ◆ 兵荒马乱[ confusion and disorder brought about by war ] ◆ 兵火[ war ] ...

the chaos of war

Tech... ... 7. 变卦 do an about face 8. 兵荒马乱 the chaos of war 9. 不管三七二十一 despite the consequences ...

refers to a disordered state

Analysis on the Differences of Chinese... ... “马前卒” means pawn, “兵荒马乱refers to a disordered state, ...

amidst the ravages and turmoil of war

...o much deception in war),兵荒马乱(amidst the ravages and turmoil of war),短兵相接(cut and thrust),赶尽杀绝(cut down th…
