
  • na.vast territory and abundant resources
  • 网络vast in territory and rich in natural resources; vast territory with rich resources; vast size and resources



vast territory and abundant resources

口译... ... 德高望重 sainted 、 saintlike 地大物博 vast territory and abundant resources 颠三倒四 confused disorderly ...

vast in territory and rich in natural resources

百度词典搜索_博 ... broad and profound; 渊博 vast in territory and rich in natural resources 地大物博 ...

vast territory with rich resources

10. 地大物博vast territory with rich resources) 11. 延安(Yanan) 12. 世界工厂(world factory) 13.

vast size and resources

英语自考本科翻译重点词汇 - 豆丁网 ... full member 正式成员 vast size and resources 地大物博 outward investor 对外投资者 ...


...in the trade aspect); ①非洲地大物博(bounteous ),但缺乏资金和技术; 但缺乏资金和技术; ②非洲市场广阔(broad ); …

a place of abundant resources

地 -... ... 地磁场 地磁场 the earth's magnetic field 地大物博 地大物博 a place of abundant resources 地带 地带 zone ...

vast territory abundant resources

英语高级口译成语... ... 登峰造极 reach the limit reach the peak of perfection 地大物博 vast territory abundant resources ...


a 一aa 丝aaag 丝绒aaak 丝织aaan 丝绸aaar... ... tdns 百姓 tdnx 地大物博 tdoq 坦然 ...
