
  • na.a founding father of a country
  • 网络Founding Fathers; the Founding Fathers; one who aided in forming a dynasty



Founding Fathers

开国元勋(Founding Fathers)规定了在非常情况下两院可以弹劾和罢免总统的权力,却没有留下十分清晰明确的祖训来告诉今 …

founding father

英语词典查询:found ... founding 创办的;发起的 详细 founding father 创建人;发起者;开国元勋 详细 foundress 女奠基者 详细 ...

the Founding Fathers

英语巴士论坛 ... 42. the Homestead Act of 1862 1862 年颁的宅地法案 43. the Founding Fathers (机构组织等的)创建人,开国

one who aided in forming a dynasty

a statesman who aided in laying the foundation of the monarchy

founding figure

School... ... 庠 asylum for the aged;school 开国元勋 founding figure 别树一帜 lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree ...
